
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

First Discuss the Statement with Pros and Cons Essay

â€Å"Behavior is a mirror in which every one displays his own image† (Goethe). Behavior of the human being has been analyzed and discussed as early as the stone ages. As the quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe shows, humans are influenced by their surroundings and will act accordingly. One can therefore say that human behavior is learned based on the social framework of a person. This claim can also be seen in the area of organizational behavior if one examines the behavior of employees in accordance to their life situation, their attitudes and their satisfaction within the employed job. Nevertheless, researches have shown that not all human behavior is learned and that we act based on instinct, intuition and emotions which are innate within the human being. This essay will examine to what extend innate and learned human behavior influence the area of organizational behavior. Learning can be defined as â€Å"a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience† (Weiss, 1990, pp. 172-173). Every person has encountered a good or bad experience in their lifetime and changed his/her behavior accordingly. One can say that every experience influences the action of a person; nevertheless, some experiences are stronger and cause a greater change in behavior. If a little boy with an age of four touches a hot plate, then he will experience pain and will learn not to repeat such an action. The change in behavior however does not influence others and is caused by a specific event; one acts passively once learned (Robbins & Judge, 2009). This phenomenon is called classical conditioning and can also be seen in the area of organizational behavior. If the CEO plans a visit to a subsidiary office, most employees will try to clean the office and get everything done before the CEO arrives. Such behavior results from the motivation of the human being to respond to a specific situation. These motivations, however, have to be satisfied or have to result in a positive experience in order for the employee to repeat it. This was also discovered by B. F. Skinner in 1935 and called operant conditioning (Gabbi, 2001). The behavior can be maintained as the positive experience or contingency is reinforced. If the CEO will thank the employees of the subsidiary for doing their work properly and on time, the path will be strengthened and the employee will be more likely to repeat the action. Therefore, the managerial level of a company has the responsibility to take actions that will result in a positive reaction of the employee and will favor the company, for example a greater compatibility, greater profits or even a greater capital expenditure. A downside to this phenomenon, however, would be that employees start to become stationary within their conditioning. Employees might start to become complacent. In the 1990’s the concept of organizational learning was developed in order to cope the stationary conditioning of the employee (Yeung, Lai, & Yee, 2007). The CEO of Harley-Davidson used the concept of learning to further improve the attention and the energy of his employees, when he saw that they were becoming complacent over the success of Harley-Davidson in the late 1980’s. He insisted on having workshops and special training to further increase the performance of his employees. The Japanese business expert Ikujiro Nonaka says: â€Å"In an economy where the only certainty is uncertainty, the one sure source of lasting competitive advantage is knowledge. † (Yeung, Ulrich, Nason & Glinow, 1999, p. 4). Therefore, one can say that the learned behavior of an employee in connection with his job has to be continuous in order for the company to stay competitive within the market and increase performance. Learned behavior does not always have to come from direct experience but from observations. As children most people modeled their teacher, parents, friends or the media. Learning by observations is called social learning and shows the importance of perception within learned behavior. It has been shown that most people will observe models that are attractive, show similar attributes and that are available repeatedly (Robbins & Judge, 2009). If the managerial level of a company pays attention to the needs of the employee, shows respect, understanding and shows credibility towards the work of the employee, the employee will more likely adapt such actions and will act similar towards colleagues. Therefore, the working atmosphere becomes productive and the performance of the company will be enhanced. The great problem that arises with learned and conditioned behavior is the unpredictable behavior of human beings: innate behavior. Feelings, emotions and intuition cause actions that will, most of the time, oppose the learned behavior. If one takes the example with the CEO visiting his subsidiary office, then one can see a problem. If one employee has to sacrifice her/his daughter’s birthday party, because he/she has to work late in order to get her/his work done before the CEO arrives the next morning, then the employee will be caught within a greater cognitive process than just following the path with the best reward. The employee would have to weight which event would be more beneficial not only for his/her job situation, but also for his/her family. The human being will use feelings, emotions and intuition to judge such a situation. Therefore, the learned or conditioned behavior will not always be chosen by the employee, which could be seen as a great disadvantage. This fact is very important for a managerial level to keep in mind, when considering new strategies to enhance employee’s performance (Maclay, 2003). The human being’s actions will always be influenced by his innate behavior, since the human being is the only creature on earth that has the ability to make decisions based on his free will. In conclusion one can say that the behavior of the human being is equally influenced by the surrounding but also by emotions, intuition and instinct of the employee. For managers to understand employees it is important to be aware of this fact, in order to use it as an advantage for the company: to enhance the performance of the employee and in return the performance of the company among competitors. The disadvantages of conditioned behavior as well as innate behavior should always be kept in mind, not only to increase production but also to create a successful and likable workplace- atmosphere.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation Essay

Subject: Human trafficking is the illegal trade in persons used for reproductive slavery, sexual exploitation, forced labor, organ removal, and other forms of slavery. In Argentina, it is a crime punishable by law, however the country continues to be a source and hub for trafficking. Executive Summary: Human trafficking is an international crime, and a violation of human rights; however, it is a felony that is still committed frequently throughout the international community. The issue stems from a lack of communication between provincial and federal governments, as well as the lack of tri-border control. In order to combat this, government officials and law enforcement officers need to be educated on the red flags of human trafficking. There also needs to be more funding and support for legal systems and organizations advocating to end human trafficking. Additionally, there needs to be more border control on the three borders that surround Argentina. Discussion: According to the  ­Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking, trafficking is defined as â€Å"the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability† (UNODC). Trafficking is not  limited to sexual exploitation; practices include: forced labor or services, slavery, servitude, or the removal of organs. This is an ongoing issue because the United Nations as well as individual countries have laws against these crimes but no one to ensure that the laws are being followed. In Argentina, human trafficking is now part of the political agenda because of its link to organized crime. Official policy in Argentina has made progress in dealing with human trafficking, they have signed and ratified all UN conventions and protocols dealing with human trafficking as a crime. In 2000, Argentina signed the â€Å"Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children†, this supplemented the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNODC). The protocol was later ratified in 2002, however there is still progress to be made because the number of people being trafficked it still high. In 2010, more than 600 women were abducted in 18 months, â€Å"for each known case there are 6 others which remain invisible† (Pichà ©). Argentina is a central point for human trafficking trade; men, women, and children from northern and rural areas are forced into prostitution in urban centers or wealthier provinces in central and southern Argentina. Many of those trafficked through the triple frontier are destined for the illegal labour market in Argentina. However in Argentina, it is estimated that 90 percent of the trafficking victims are sexually exploited women. Additionally, women from Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, and the Dominican Republic are subjected to trafficking in Argentina. According the United States Department of state, â€Å"in 2011 the number of labor trafficking victims identified was over three times the number of sex trafficking victims identified during the year† (Trafficking). Argentina has consistently attracted migrants from Latin American regions seeking better economic opportunities. There are about 2 million immigrants from Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay. Illegal immigration fuels the trafficking business because they are smuggled into the country, and they are easy victims for trafficking rings (Project Protection). At the same time, Argentineans from the northern provinces are at high risk for  trafficking because of extreme poverty, lack of education, and access to health services. Police in the northwestern province of Jujuy have received more than 50 reports of missing young women since September 2005. Most of these women have gone to see about jobs and were never seen again (Project Protection). Most end up in major cities and tourist areas Corruption within the police force has also prevented Argentina from decreasing trafficking rates in the country. It has been reported that police officials have participated in criminal activities related to trafficking, which thwarts government efforts to prevent trafficking from happening. According to a report released by the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, authorities are currently investigating over 75 federal officials who have been removed from their positions after turning a blind eye to trafficking related problems. However as of 2011, the government did not prosecute or convict any government officials involved in human trafficking. Officers have looked in the other direction when coming across sex and labor trafficking activity, or tipped off brothel owners about raids coming up. The Argentine government has made progress over the past few years collecting data and stopping human trafficking. Over the past year, the government has reported and recorded the number of trafficking victims found, and implemented protocols and guidelines to eliminate trafficking, the country has increased prosecutions and convictions of trafficking. Further, the Argentine government funded five shelters to set up throughout the country as safe-havens. Part of the progress made is due to one of the most well known cases in Argentina, the case involving Marita Veron. Maria de los Angeles Veron (Marita) went missing in 2002, when she was kidnapped. A few days later she was seen escaping from a house, but was taken on to a bus where she was never seen again. Her mother launched a campaign to find her daughter, and soon became a symbol of the fight against human trafficking in Argentina. The Ministry of Security reported identifying about 1,000 victims, most of these victims being brought into Argentina from other countries such as Paraguay and Bolivia. A majority of human trafficking cases reported are reported as forced labor cases however, recently their have been more sex trafficking cases than labor cases. The quality and legal treatment of the victims varies from region to region, and many provinces lacked resources to care for trafficking victims, especially those in forced labor trafficking situations. Once the initial testimony is recorded, it is up to the Secretariat for Childhood, Adolescence, and Family (SENAF) of the Ministry of Social Development to provide follow-up care and assistance alongside the provincial authorities. The government officials in each province, as well as SENAF officials should have greater access to resources needed to provide the best care possible to human trafficking victims. According to the NGO, the office’s effectiveness in providing sufficient care for human trafficking victims is consistently questioned based on flawed data reports and the inability to provide service to the victims. Poor coordination among officials in Argentina is preventing the human rights laws from being as effective as they could. The lack of communication between the federal and provincial governments continues to hinder the effectiveness of anti- trafficking efforts. In many provinces, there is limited or no funding for the provincial and local efforts working to combat human trafficking in their area which creates an issue in making sure victims receive the proper care. Authorities reported funding campaigns for public awareness and public service announcements about trafficking. These PSA’s are being shown on long distance buses and aired on television, but until the country receives the proper funding, support for legal systems, the human trafficking problem will continue. In December 2010, the new Ministry of Security attempted to coordinate the  efforts of different federal law entities, create a database system for human trafficking crimes, and establish protocols with other ministries to strength federal-level collaboration. NGO’s also targeted the Ministry of Security, government officials, and federal law officers in order to improve the enforcement of human trafficking laws in Argentina. Specialized services for trafficking victims remain uneven across the country; competing mandates and lack of coordination between federal and provincial authorities caused delays in some investigations, and significant allegations of trafficking-related complicity of government officials at the local and federal level prevented more comprehensive anti-trafficking efforts. With the corrupt police force, and lack of funding, Argentina will never be able to successfully implement the programs. NGOs and some officials asserted that poor coordination among the federal and provincial governments continued to hinder the effectiveness of anti-trafficking efforts, as did limited or nonexistent funding for provincial and local efforts to combat trafficking. The Argentine Government, in collaboration with the International Organization of Migrations, has recently published a report on human trafficking. The report identified crucial gaps in the fight against human trafficking that need to be addressed: 1. The lack of qualification of judiciary personnel and the lack of knowledge concerning the dynamics of human trafficking networks and international and national laws and treaties. 2. The lack of security along the Tri-Border area. 3. The lack of human and material resources to carry out adequate investigations. 4. The absence of programs for the middle and long-term assistance to the victims and lack of protection for the witnesses. The biggest issue for Argentina comes from the Tri-Border area. Along the border between Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay, young prostituted children and adolescents can be seen on the streets of towns such as Puerto Iguazu,  Argentina; Foz do Iguazu, Brazil; and Ciudad del Este, Paraguay. After years of debate within the Senate in Argentina, a law was passed to â€Å"prevent trafficking in persons, protect victims of trafficking, and punish perpetrators of human trafficking† (Project Protection). Under the new law, prison sentences were established for those convicted of participating in the recruitment, transportation, or reception of people for the purpose of sexual or labor exploitation. The law provides protective measures for victims of trafficking, and gives victims the right to free psychological, medical, and legal assistance, in addition to the right to privacy. The Organization of American State has closely watched Argentina’s anti-trafficking efforts. the Argentine government has partnered with an institute in Buenos Airs to create incentives in urban areas for companies that obey the country’s labor laws. Based on the issues identified above, it is recommended that the Argentine government uses a multilateral approach to stop trafficking. Recommended action : In order for Argentina to successfully combat human trafficking at a national level, the government needs to continue to implement the anti-trafficking law with increased efforts to investigate, prosecute, convict, and punish trafficking offenders, including public and police officials who are involved in trafficking crimes. An increase in funding for victim assistance, particularly through shelters and specialized services, on a local and national level would also be beneficial to stopping internal trafficking. There should be continued education for law enforcement officials, public figures, a judiciary actors to know how to stop a trafficking ring. To prevent trafficking in individual provinces in Argentina, the government must develop and implement protocols for provincial officials to identify and assist trafficking victims. Continued investigations of labor  trafficking in urban and rural areas of Argentina, and holding companies whose supply chains benefit from labor trafficking accountable for their actions. The government needs to have better communication between the federal and provincial officials to develop and national anti-trafficking plan, and continue to raise awareness nationwide. The multilateral approach to educating and preventing trafficking in Argentina involves an agreement between the Defense Ministry, and the Buenos Aires provincial Education Ministry. This partnership would create protection by educating military and law enforcement officials, in addition to students to be aware of the human trafficking issue, and how to prevent and protect themselves. The final solution is better border control across the tri-frontier. The geography already creates an area that is hard to protect. It is hard to monitor traffic coming in and out of three countries, and some people just completely surpass border control and show no identification when passing between one country and the next. This area annually generates over $6 billion of illicit money and is nearly devoid of all governmental control. Most governments among the TBA deny the problem claiming they have not detected activity in the regions, but other countries disagree. It is vital that Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina start paying closer attention to the border in order to stop trafficking among other illicit activity. The Argentine government’s multilateral approach to stopping trafficking by educating, training, raising awareness, and implementing better border control will help to decrease trafficking rates in Argentina, and eventually put a stop to it. Thank you for your time, Melanie Rose Sources: http://www.protectionproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Argentina.pdf http://www.avijorisch.com/9560/tri-border-region http://www.state.gov/j/tip/rls/tiprpt/2012/192366.htm http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/glotip/Trafficking_in_Persons_2012_web.pdf

Monday, July 29, 2019

Cigarette smoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cigarette smoking - Essay Example Further, it showed that 17% of youth in university and colleges used tobacco products in 2011. It is significant to understand that cigarette smoking causes various illnesses. Therefore, unless Americans change the habit of smoking cigarette, they will eventually die because of the illnesses associated with the use of tobacco. Cigarette kills more American citizens than suicide, AIDS, illegal drugs, car accidents, and alcohol combined. For instance, cigarette smoking accounts for more than 80% of lung cancer mortalities. Cancer of the lungs is the main cause of deaths related to cancer in both women and men and is one of the difficult cancers to cure or treat. Apart from lung cancer, other health problems that cigarette smoking brings include stroke, bronchitis, and heart diseases. In addition, cigarette smoking can destroy a woman’s reproductive organs or even lead to infertility since the use of tobacco is associated with greater risk of miscarriage and decreased fertility. Cigarette smoking implies that the smoker will die young than those who do not smoke. For instance, the CDC found out that cigarette smoking shortened women smoker’s life by 14.5 years and male smokers by 13.2 years. Summarily, the effects of smoking are many in that they pose many health problems to the smoker by damaging all important body organs, which eventually leads to death. In order to curb the increasing rate of cigarette smoking, people should be educated to understand the risks of tobacco products.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Health Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Health Economics - Essay Example Economic theory triggers arguments put forward for both sides of the discussion. Neo-classical economists state that the utilization of health services surpasses communally beneficial standards when health care expenses are entirely covered by insurance. Insurance decreases the marginal expenditure of individuals who are utilizing health services because it efficiently lowers the cost of these services to zero. Accordingly, insured individuals will take advantage of as much health care as they would if the health care were free of charge (Thompson and Mossialos n.d., 227). Many studies reveal that when confronted with higher expenses, individuals will procure less care. Preferably, higher co-payments would damp only the use of low-worth care (Chernew and Fendrick n.d., 17). The probable risks of higher cost sharing are most sensitive for seniors and disabled persons.   Since these people use the majority of health services and medicines, their out-of-pocket expenses for co-payments would be maximum and they are the ones most probable to evade or delay required health care owing to cost problems (Ku 2003).   When individuals have to disburse fees or co-payments for health care, the quantity can be so high concerning earnings that it results in â€Å"economic catastrophe† for the person or the household. Such high spending health care facilities signify that individuals have to reduce their necessities, for instance, food and clothing, or are incapable of paying for their childrens schooling. Every year, around 44 million families, or above 150 million people, all through the world face appalling expenditure, and roughly 25 million families or over 100 million individuals are pressed into poverty by the requirement to disburse for services. Moreover, the effect of these out-of-pocket payments for health care goes away from catastrophic

Saturday, July 27, 2019

A Comparison of Motivation Factors in the UK and China Essay

A Comparison of Motivation Factors in the UK and China - Essay Example From this essay it is clear that the managers should consider what motivation is appropriate for each category of employees in order to achieve required change or performance . The timing of motivation is also necessary to make the desired change at the right time. There is a direct relationship between employee motivation and organization performance. The scope of this document is to examine various factors that motivate employees and provide a comparison of employee motivation in the telecommunication industry between China and UK. In addition, the report will analyze the performance of the telecommunication industries of the two countries and establish any relation between employee motivation and performance. The study will involve only secondary data obtained from peer-reviewed sources but will not include any primary data.This paper declares that  employee motivation is one of the core long-term success elements in many organizations, even though, some employers always try to overlook its importance. â€Å"Work Motivation is a set of energetic forces that originate both within as well as beyond an individual’s being, to initiate the work-related behavior and to determine its form, direction, intensity,and duration†.  Employee motivation is an internal disposition of a person to be focused on and approach positive inducements and shun disincentives. The employee motivation factors can be categorized as those based on their needs as described by Maslow theory.

Friday, July 26, 2019

How Does The Concept Of Children's Rights Influence The Work Of Essay

How Does The Concept Of Children's Rights Influence The Work Of International Agencies And Development NGOs - Essay Example d other circumstances that are dangerous, which ultimately is resulting in the violation of the children’s rights and regulations made by the government. It is worth mentioning in this context that the government has taken certain initiatives which include the rescue measures, rehabilitation and active participation measures concerning children’s rights protection. The reports published concerning children’s rights violation usually cover the aspect of infant mortality, malnutrition and issues with regard to education where the other important issues usually remained unaddressed (UNICEF, 2006). With reference to the current day context, these factors can be apparently observed to influence and direct the working of international agencies such as World Trade Organisation (WTO), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and ECPAT among others. For instance, WTO, in its international operations has been regularly reviewing the progress in various countries with regard to th eir performances in protecting and promoting the rights of the children as per the principle guidelines mentioned in the agreements and trade policies. For instance, in its recent policies WTO has been focused on enforcing rigid norms to ban any product or services produced through the engagement of child labour. Where on one hand such norms and policy measures have been encouraged on social and ethical grounds, on the basis of economic concerns, the measures have also been criticised. For instance, it has often been argued and researched that child labour is a major concern identified in poor economic regions. It is often regarded as a consequence of poverty wherein minors of the family are sent to work and earn their livelihood. In such areas, such restrictions on child labour as imposed by the WTO... This paper approves that the rights of the children include the provision with respect to the standard of living, educational benefits, health care and recreational facilities. Additionally, the rights to protection act with respect to the children’s developmental needs majorly include their right to protection against abuse, discrimination and exploitation. The rights to participation further include the child’s freedom to participate in activities and programmes irrespective of cultural divergences and family or ethnic backgrounds. It is worth mentioning in this context that the provisions for rules and regulations as well rights are framed to protect the social, economic and environmental rights of the children in the worldwide context. This report makes a conclusion that with reference to the above discussion, it can be observed with regards to the development and protection of the rights of the children that international agencies and NGOs play a vital role towards minimising the issues related with children’s rights. As a matter of fact, child exploitation rates have increased in the modern day context. Consequently, the activities and measures with respect to the protection of the children’s rights have been implemented by NGOs as well as the international agencies. The different programmes such as The Focal Point and the Liaison Unit help and provide information to the international, regional and the national level organisations as well as the other events organisers with respect to the rights and provisions framed against the exploitation of the children.

Home work 1 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Home work 1 - Article Example The contact method used was through online alternatives that could provide statistical data. The financial information and sales of both companies is available through investor information about the company. The research panel of Canalys was able to gather the information from this then find the statistical comparisons between the two companies to show how each is doing in the competitive arena. There were also other statistics gathered from the companies which had Smartphones but were not as competitive in the market. This allowed the same data to be collected with both companies and provided a specific set of answers to the overall competitiveness within the companies. The main data was then distributed to AFP to finish the study and to provide information to the general public. The information provided by the survey included several statistics related to both Smartphones. The comparison began with the fourth quarter results of 2010 with both Smartphones, which included sales of 32 .9 Androids and 31 million Symbians. The Google percentage of sales was also compared, which included 8.7% of sales in 2009 and 32.5% in 2010, compared to Nokia, which was 44% in 2009 to 30.6% in 2010.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What stressors exist for incarcerated women Essay

What stressors exist for incarcerated women - Essay Example Religious groups have shown constant and persistent interest in working with the incarcerated people in jail to help bring about their rehabilitation. Evidently, this is evident as many terms that are currently associated with the prisons came about from the efforts made by the people of faith in the 18th century. These are terms like the reformatory, rehabilitation and the penitentiary. This was in an effort to ensure that the inmates fully reformed while serving their jail term (Lazzari, 2005). The faith-based organizations provide in-house ministries, mentorship of the inmates, bible studies and even preparing the inmates for their release. However, these faith-based organizations require volunteer ship and participation from the inmates. A study by Camp and Associates in 2006; however, revealed that females, blacks and Hispanics were less likely to volunteer in these organizations. Evidently, this is because of many challenges and stresses that these women undergo. Incarcerated women faced a lot of challenges and stresses during their imprisonment period. These challenges range from both physical and mental stresses. Evidently, women conditions and life at the prisons were characterized by unsafe environments, which ranged from lack of proper sanitation facilities. The prisons had inadequate or very few sewage and bathing facilities and systems (Cobbina, 2010). The incarceration period was also greatly marred with hard physical labor and in most cases; the women oversaw corporal punishment. In addition to this, there was no medical care for the offenders who posed a great risk and worried mostly to the pregnant offenders. The women with mental health problems were held in a solitary confinement something that posed a great stress to the offenders (Lazzari, 2005). To help the women deal with these problems, the authors stress on the need of the use of faith based organizations. The faith-based programs are seen to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Project management---management of project organization Essay - 2

Project management---management of project organization - Essay Example Basically, a typical construction contractor should have a tall structure while a management consulting company should a flat structure. This will help the consulting company to make informed decisions after consulting other members in the organization. Different organizational structures pose different challenges on managing projects. Decision making in a tall organizational structure is long and in some cases information is lost. Bureaucratic structures can make it difficult to manage a project. On the other hand, a flat organizational structure can make it easy to manage a project since different functions are delegated to other parties. For projects that cross functional boundaries, a flat structure is ideal. Decisions are promptly made and changes can also be quickly made. The outcome of a project in such a case is determined by the nature of the structure of the organization as well as how the tasks are assigned to different people involved. The project manager will delegate other tasks to other members in functional departments and these people would help him manage the project since he may not be able to oversee all the functions especially in a big project. Project management can be conceptualised as technology. According to Jones (2013), technology refers to the â€Å"skills, knowledge, abilities, techniques, materials, machines, computers, tools, and other equipment that people use to convert or change raw materials into valuable goods and services.† Technology is further categorised as individual, functional or organizational. The structure of the organization has a bearing on the technology used in carrying out project management. For instance, a centralised structure is effective in as far as technology is concerned in carrying out a project in small organizations. In the event that technology used is routine, a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Principles and Practice of Social Work - Theoretical Assignment Essay

Principles and Practice of Social Work - Theoretical Assignment - Essay Example On one hand, an individual’s activities have an effect on other people that interact with him or her, and in turn, the actions of others affect him; the total effect of their actions is evident in the society. On the other hand, society affects the individuals in it, expecting them to do according to its demands. By so doing, society ensures its survival by making its various components live together in harmony, and individuals build their society by interacting with each other constructively (Berberoglu 2005; Baert and Silva 2010). The role of a social worker is to use social work values, principles, and methods for counselling, helping a society or a community help itself or individuals in it; acting as the agent that maintains balance in society. For instance, a social worker would be involved in the provision and improvement of social, health, and legislative services. The principles of social work include, acceptance, affirming individuality, purposeful expression of feelings, non-judgementalism, objectivity, controlled emotional involvement, self-determination, and confidentiality. According to Ritzer and Goodman (2004), social work is the art and science of identifying conflicts in society analysing them, and using the various available theories on society to come up with possible solutions. However, the work of a social worker does not end at identifying and recommending solutions, it extends using the recommendations to solve the conflict at hand practically. Therefore, a social worker is an essential component of a society that acts as a bridge between the needs of an individual and those of the society, by ensuring that individual do not suffer in silence due to the pressure of society expectations. The aim of this essay is to identify two social work theories, relate them to social work principles and relate them to domestic violence, in addition to discussing power imbalances, between the social worker and his or

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Spanish Republic and the civil war 1931-1939 Essay Example for Free

The Spanish Republic and the civil war 1931-1939 Essay Tragically in 1939, after three years of bitter civil war and with the loss of around 750,000 Spanish lives, Spain fell to the rule of a Fascist dictatorship that was to last for almost four decades. The Spanish tragedy has been told and analysed by countless historians, and of these works Gabriel Jacksons The Spanish Republic and the Civil War 1931-1939 is widely referred to as the definitive liberal history of the Spanish Republic. Jackson begins with an outline of the nineteenth century monarchical and political upheavals that preceded the birth of the Spanish republic in 1931. From there, we are given a detailed account of events leading to Francos final victory in 1939 and finally a synopsis which attempts to address some of the criticisms that have been levelled at Jacksons depiction. One such criticism is that Jackson leaves a crucial part of the story untold, namely that of the struggle of workers and peasants against not just the nationalist forces, but too against the conditions of capitalism and semi-feudalism. One of Jacksons most ardent critics has been Noam Chomsky, who through his Objectivity and Liberal Scholarship has provided an excellent theoretical framework to enable a critical reading of Jackson, primarily in his depiction of events from 1936-1937. In this work Chomsky points to the subordination of liberal intelligencia, universities in particular, to the military- industrial complex, in this case the American State and big business. In other words, writers of ostensibly objective historical works become compromised by their social, economic and political ties to the prevailing ideology, leading them to interpret events with the notion in mind of the inevitability and desirability of bourgeois democracy. Alongside this, according to Zbigniew Brzezinski, the largely humanist-oriented, occasionally ideologically-minded intellectual-dissenter, who sees his role largely in terms of proffering social critiques, is rapidly being displaced either by experts and specialists, who become involved in special governmental undertakings, or by the generalists-integrators, who become in effect house-ideologies for those in power, providing overall intellectual integration for disparate actions.1 The search for objective truth then is subordinated in these instances to the subjectivity of the author/investigator and in the final instance we are given a partial and distorted view of historical events, as is the case with Jacksons work. The motivations and actions of those directly involved are written out of the story, and instead the logic of liberal scholarship gives precedence to the political leadership of the natural parties of government. As Chomsky points out, Jackson makes it abundantly clear that he is, in favour of liberal democracy, as represented by figures such as Azana, Casares Quiroga, Martinez Barrio, and other responsible national leaders. and, makes little attempt to disguise his antipathy towards the forces of popular revolution in Spain, or their goals. 2 Therefore, mass action is generally regarded as of secondary importance to the manoeuvrings of the Popular Front government, even when in practice it was often powerless. Further, when these masses threaten the natural order of capitalist production, by acts of collectivisation, expropriation, land seizure and abolition of money, they are described as, naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve, counterproductive, ill educated, fundamentally conservative and misled. Only when these masses follow the lead and policies of the natural elite does Jackson recognise and applaud mass contribution, and Jackson fails to recognise the crucial nature of the revolutionary/counterrevolutionary period from the summer of 1936 to 1937 in which, the revolution was largely spontaneous with mass participation of anarchist and socialist industrial and agricultural workers; the counterrevolution was under communist direction3 To partly summarise Chomskys criticisms, two examples of Jacksons subjective analysis of this period are, the role of the Communist Party in Spain and collectivisation in Catalonia. Under a Moscow directive, the PCE was founded in Spain with only 800 members in 1930. This number grew to around 20,000 in 1934 while the PCE had dropped its social fascist stance regarding other left groupings, to embrace all parties of the left under the Popular Front umbrella. Stalin had concluded that international fascismposed a threat after allHis answer was the adoption during 1934/35 of a Popular Front policy for resisting fascism.4 This membership grew to over 250,000 during the first eight months of the war, 40% of this number being made up the petit bourgeoisie. The PCE, again under orders from Moscow, embraced bourgeois democracy, their only task to defend the Republic, and revolutionary action by the masses was not on Stalins agenda. In responding to a plea from help from Spains Popular Front government, Stalin was perusing what he perceived to be in the foreign policy interest of the Soviet UnionWhat Soviet aidbegan to reach Spain in October 1936, was emphatically not intended to advance the cause of social revolution in Republican Spain.5 Jackson however claims, The interrupted movement toward world revolution, as well as the security of the Soviet Union, might well be advanced by a Republican victory in Spain.6 Chomsky rightly regards Jacksons view of The Soviet Union as a nation hungry to embrace world revolution as entirely mistaken, and indeed the Soviet Union of the 1930s had come a long way from the days of the storming of the Winter Palace in the November Revolution of 1917. Russia is a totalitarian regimethe frame of mind its leaders is cynical and opportunist. To expect such men to lead a social revolution in Spain, where the wildest idealism is combined with great independence of character, was out of the question.7 Political purges and show trials in the Soviet Union in 1934-36 had seen potential political opposition to Stalin brutally removed, many being accused, as was Leon Trotsky, of having been in league with Hitler. Russia was then a country with a revolutionary past, not a revolutionary present.8 Stalins main aim in 1936 was to ward off any threat from Hitlers Germany, by allying himself with Britain and France. Accordingly, a proletarian revolution in Spain could not be allowed to succeed, bringing as it would a threat of instability to ruling classes the world over, and a shift in the balance of European power. Communist policy as regards Spain then was one of subordinating their [PCE] national policies to the USSRs supposed international interests.9 In effect this meant the defence of all legitimate middle-class authority at the expense the grass root militancy that could have helped avert the tragic outcome to Spains civil war. As one communist student of the time, critical of such policy noted, But a more revolutionary course will only frighten the democracies, people said. What nonsense! The capitalist democracies were frightened enough already by what was happening in Spain. Stalin wont agree, said others. But was that the case? Would Stalin not have had to do what he did anyway and a lot more, perhaps if we had pursued a more revolutionary course? Could he afford to be seen betraying a proletarian revolution?10 The next bone of contention, is the account Jackson gives of collectivisation. In the initial process of collectivisation, Jackson berates unions in Valencia and Barcelona for abusing their sudden authority to place the sign incautado on all manner of buildings and vehicles.11 However, as Chomsky notes, this wording belies Jacksons ignorance towards the reality of the revolutionary situation. While Jackson recognises the occurrence of ..the most profound social revolution since the fifteenth century..12, it seems that he is not inclined to recognise the actions that are an integral part of such a profound social revolution. Later, Jackson claims that in 1936, the revolutionary tide began to ebb in Cataloniaaccumulating food and supply problems, and the experience of administering villages, frontier posts, and public utilities, had rapidly shown the anarchists the unexpected complexity of modern society.13 Chomsky on the other hand points to the attack led by the Communist Party to destroy the gains made by workers and peasants without the blessing of any legitimate government force. First win the war then make the revolution, was the slogan that epitomised the drive to subordinate the revolutionary aspirations of the masses to the will of the legitimate powers. Collectivisation brought order to the chaotic situation All the parties and organisations solemnly agreed to respect the letter and the spirit of the new law; but within three months the Republican parties were systematically obstructing it; and soon afterwards the communists were sabotaging it..14 and International capitalism was determined to do everything in its power to force the failure of the collectivised Catalan economy.15 Chomsky too challenges Jacksons attitude towards and analysis of war production and distribution in collectivised areas. For example, In Catalonia, the CNT factory committees dragged their heels on war production, claiming that the government deprived them of raw materials and was favouring the bourgeoisie,16 Firstly this is in stark contrast to Jacksons charitable attitude towards production methods in fascist controlled areas, and his fairly uncritical depiction of later communist methods which involved substantially restoring a free market in essential without any apparent benefits to the war effort. Secondly, as Chomsky notes, Jackson does not substantiate his statement with fact. These two criticisms perhaps point to another instance where Jackson noticeably favours traditional capitalist production against that of the collective. In any case, evidence points to the fact that while conditions were favourable, with access to raw materials for example, collective production rivalled that elsewhere in Spain. The war industry in Catalonia had produced ten times more than the rest of Spanish industry put together and .this output could have been quadrupled as from beginning of September if Catalonia had had access to the necessary raw materials that were unobtainable in Spanish territory.17 Further, it is evident that the central government denied much needed financial assistance because of its lack of sympathy with, rather hostility towards collectivisation. Only in exchange for government control would they give financial assistance.18 Whatever accusations may be levelled at the running of the collectives, at least two points must be remembered. Firstly, in many instances, collectivisation came as the result of a huge surge from below, The revolution was like a dog shaking itself when it comes out of the water the Spanish people shaking itself free of 400 years injustice. There was nothing we militants could do but go ahead or shoot ourselves.19 Secondly, against overwhelming odds, the Catalan working class kept collectivised production going for thirty months of war.20 In conclusion, this paper has only managed to briefly capture Chomskys detailed criticism of Jackson, and to follow on from Chomsky is no easy task given his coherent, thoroughly researched critique. Chomsky highlights Jacksons apparent lack of understanding of the true nature of revolutionary struggle, which leads him to mistakenly identify the 1930s Soviet Union as a revolutionary force and to disparage the actions of mass movements lacking conventional political leadership. The first mistaken belief is, as Chomsky points out, entirely in keeping with the American Cold War mythology that has invented an international Communist conspiracy directed from Moscow to justify its own interventionist policies.21 The two beliefs together lead him to significantly underplay the destructive role played by Communist policy in Spain, which, while not wholly to blame for the Fascist victory, significantly dented the workers will to fight. Many theorists have argued that only a successful revolution could have ultimately beaten the fascists, and that an early arming of workers could have averted three years of carnage. However, We werent being armed because the Republican authorities were more frightened of the working class than off the military. (Francisco Cabrera, Communist Youth, Seville) Communist insistence on an exclusively Popular Front, petty bourgeois programme was disastrous, which ultimately undermined the fight against Fascism. The loss of the Civil War in Spain to the fascists was more than just a military defeat, as in the words of Ronald Fraser, For the objective was not only to castigate the defeated but to crush for all time working class militancy and the threat of socialist revolution, so that Spanish capitalism could prosper. Quotes 1 Chomsky, N, Objectivity and Liberal Scholarship, p30 2 Chomsky, p75 3 Chomsky, p81 4 Blinkhorn, Democracy and Civil War in Spain, p36 5 Blinkhorn, p36 6 Jackson, The Spanish Republic and the Civil War 1931-1939, p259 7 Chomsky, p84 8 Chomsky, p85 9 Fraser, Blood of Spain, p328 10 Fraser, p329 11 Jackson, p279 12 Jackson, p277 13 Jackson, p314 14 Fraser, p215 15 Fraser, p216 16 Jackson, p365 17 Chomsky, p89 18 Chomsky, p90 19 Fraser, p229 20 Fraser, p234 21 Chomsky, p86 Bibliography Jackson, G, 1965, The Spanish Republic and the Civil War 1931-1939, Princeton University Press Fraser, R, 1979, Blood of Spain, Penguin Blinkhorn, M, Democracy and Civil War in Spain Chomsky, N, Objectivity and Liberal Scholarship

Burn wounds Essay Example for Free

Burn wounds Essay There are several ways that an investigator might confirm suspicion that burns are intentionally inflicted, rather than accidental in nature. One factor in considering whether a burn is intentionally inflicted is the nature of the burn. A contact burn of irregular shape is typical of accidental contact with a hot item such as a pot on a stove or an iron. Burns of this nature are typically accidental. One way of determining if the burn is not is by examining its shape. Burns that reflect the pattern of the object from which they obtained can often point to intentional burning. Symmetrical burns are less likely to be accidental. Chemical burns also should display a random pattern consistent with accidental contact. A burn pattern suggesting submersion in a corrosive or hot liquid of any body part is suspect, particularly if there are no corresponding splash-type wounds. Another determining factor is the location of the burn. Contact burns that are truly accidental are nearly always situated on the extremities, as it is unlikely that a child would ignore the pain of extreme heat until contact is made with the torso, or head. While immersion burns from hot liquid can be on the torso, if accidental, they should be accompanied by splash patterns associated with the rapid withdrawal of the burned body part from the water. Most accidental burns on a child old enough to remove themselves from the source are no worse than second-degree. Burns of greater degree are highly suggestive of a child being physically forced into contact with the burning agent. Unless the parent has a reasonable explanation for a more severe burn, these types of injuries should be regarded as highly suspicious. The key element in determining whether a burn was intentionally inflicted arrives with the interview of the admitting parent. Lies about burn sources are relatively easy to spot. Burn characteristics such as location, severity, and pattern can easily indicate whether the parent is lying about the source of the burn. The questions that must be asked are: What caused the burn? How long was the child in contact with the source of the burn? What sort of supervision was offered while this occurred. There are only three scenarios possible in burn situations: pure accident, parental negligence, or intentional burning. It is up to the investigator to determine which situation applies in any given case.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analysis Of The Efficient Market Hypothesis

Analysis Of The Efficient Market Hypothesis The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), one of the most prominent conjectures in finance, emerged in the 1950s due to early application of computers in analysis of time-series behavior of economic variables. A vast body of research literature on this problem has been produced since the first studies attributed to Kendall (1953). The first articles dealing with market efficiency generally were supportive of the idea that securities are priced rationally and stock prices reflect all available at the moment information. However, with the development of advanced econometric techniques and powerful computers a new breed of literature emerged: researchers started to produce evidence debunking the EMH. Nevertheless, despite significant success in finding anomalies which clash with the EMH this great idea has remained to be a hypothesis since neither supporters nor opponents could produce reliable enough evidence to finally confirm or reject it. This essay elaborates on the question of validi ty of the EMH and shows that there is no simple answer which could end the debate about market efficiency. There are three forms of the EMH that are usually tested by researchers: weak form, semi-strong form and strong form. The main difference between them is contained in the information which can be used to predict future price movements of the stock. The weak form of market efficiency states that past prices do not have any influence on the current prices. In other words, it is impossible to use past price information to predict future prices since all this information is already reflected in the prices. The semi-strong form of market efficiency takes into account, besides past information about prices, publicly available information, i.e. financial reports, public announcements etc. And finally, the strong-form of market efficiency states that all available information, including that of insiders, is reflected in prices and, therefore, cannot be useful in price forecasting. Thus, usually researchers specify which type of market efficiency they test as the methods used are different. F ama (1991) presents a slightly different categorization of tests of market efficiency: tests for return predictability, event studies and tests for private information. However, all these tests have one purpose to find out if that is possible to develop profitable strategies based on the different kind of information which could produce significant abnormal returns. If the answer to this question is yes then opponents of the EMH obtain additional advantage in the debate about the EMH. On the other hand, the results testifying to validity of the EMH are generally regarded as common and do not get significant public attention. Before proceeding to critical evaluation of the particular anomalies which are supposed to refute the EMH it can be useful to consider general shortcomings of the tests employed in these procedures. First of all, all tests of market efficiency are based on a particular model which is used to predict normal returns. This leads to the joint-hypothesis problem, i.e. it is impossible to determine whether the obtained results are due to real market inefficiency or just reflect poorly specified model for normal returns. Second, the data-mining problem is especially pronounced in the tests of market efficiency. In other words, for every reported profitable strategy there can be dozens of unprofitable strategies which were not reported due to the fact that they did not produce any sensational result. And finally, all theoretical findings should be tested practically in order to determine the real income which can be generated on the basis of theoretical strategies. Otherwise, even very profi table strategy can be an artifact due to factors that remained unaccounted during the research. The strong form of market efficiency has become the weakest form in terms of the number of its supporters. It is generally believed that insiders can use their information to earn significant profits from trading. Jaffe (1974) finds that insiders have information that is not reflected in the stock prices. Moreover, he documents that outsiders can profit from the publicly available information on insiders trading up to 8 months after this information was released to the general public. However, Seyhun (1986), while confirming that insiders can use inside information to make significant profits, does not confirm that outsiders can earn significant abnormal returns using publicly available information on insiders trading. He argues that Jaffe used misspecified model for normal returns. Another type of studies of the strong form of market efficiency tests whether professional portfolio managers have access to private information. First evidence (Jensen 1969) testifies to the strong form of market efficiency and suggests that managers do not have access to private information as returns to investors in funds in 1945-1964 turn out to be 1% below the market line. On the other hand, Ippolito (1989) states that during 1965-1984 mutual funds outperformed the market line by 0.83% on average every year. This evidence, however, is not confirmed by the tests of the performance of pension funds and endowment funds. More recent evidence (Malkiel 2003) shows that for the twenty years ending December 31, 2001, the average actively managed large capitalization mutual fund performed worse than Standard Poors 500 large cap index by 2% annually. Therefore, it is not clear whether the EMH hypothesis can be refuted with respect to the strong form of market efficiency as various tests demonstrate different answers to this question. Tests of the semi-strong form of market efficiency are accomplished by means of event studies. This type of studies gives the cleanest picture of market efficiency since if the event date can be clearly specified and new information has a significant effect on prices, the models of normal returns do not influence the result to the extent observed in other forms of market efficiency studies. The opponents of the EMH believe that stock prices may underreact to new events. Therefore, purchasing (selling) stock when good (bad) information arrives at the market may produce significant abnormal returns (Gregory 1997). For instance, it is widely documented that companies accomplishing an IPO experience short-term overshooting and long-term negative performance. Another example is negative performance of bidding companies and positive performance of target companies during the process of mergers and acquisitions. These patterns, arguably, can be used to generate abnormal returns. However, as Fama (1998) demonstrates, the apparent underreaction to events is as common as overreaction and post-event continuation of abnormal returns is as frequent as post-event reversals. He also shows that the methods, long-term anomalies measured, play an important role since latter tend to disappear if reasonable changes are introduced in the test. Therefore, most of the anomalies discovered by researchers can be attributed to chance. It turns out that these anomalies do not allow investors to earn significant abnormal returns. The studies of the weak form of market efficiency generally test the Random Walk (RW) hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, stock prices exhibit unpredictable behavior and the best estimate of tomorrows price is todays price of the stock. Early studies in this area showed that prices indeed followed the RW and even if it were possible to find some predictability in price paths it would not be possible to exploit it in order to earn abnormal returns. Discovered patterns explained just up to 2% of the total variation of returns not enough taking into account bid-ask spreads. More recent studies started to use other variables (dividends, earnings per share, term-structure variables) to explain variation in returns. However, even these studies obtained positive first-order autocorrelations of weekly returns at the level of 0.3 (Lo and MacKinlay 1988). Apparently, such low predictability power could not be used to make significant profits. Nevertheless, further research led to revela tion of a number of anomalies. For instance, so-called January effect referred to the situation of abnormally generous returns on stocks of small companies during the first few days of January. Unfortunately, when transaction costs were taken into account (which are substantially higher for small companies than for large corporations) it turned out that this effect could not be exploitable by ordinary investors. Moreover, the January effect was not pronounced every year. A number of other effects were discovered during the course of research. They, however, also were non-dependable and disappeared when transaction costs were accounted for. Overall, it turns out that the idea of the EMH is still alive in spite of numerous facts that could refute it. The absence of the reliable theoretical model which could explain variation in normal returns does not allow one to be sure about discovered anomalies. Moreover, even anomalies which are strongly pronounced disappear as more and more market participants find out about them. This fact testifies to validity of the EMH. This means that even when information is not reflected in prices at the particular moment, as time passes arbitrageurs use the opportunity to earn risk-free profits and gradually correct market. This correction may take a long time (as, for instance, the Internet-bubble of the 2000s) but eventually all prices come to their fair level.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Stephen Cranes Red Badge of Courage Essay -- Stephen Crane Red Badge

Stephen Crane's Red Badge of Courage   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When reading the Red Badge of Courage, it is necessary to understand the symbolism that Stephen Crane has created throughout the whole book. Without understanding the true intent of color use, this book loses a meaningful interpretation that is needed to truly understand the main character, his feelings and actions. Crane uses very distinct colors in his text to represent various elements that the main character, Henry or â€Å"the youth†, is feeling along his adventure of enlisting into battle. Red, yellow and gray are the main color's Crane uses consistently in the majority of the chapters to describe Henry’s inner conflicts and feelings. The color purple is mentioned very briefly but reflects Henry’s feelings in a powerful manner. Certain colors dominate throughout the book and there is a change of domination as Henry matures into a real soldier.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The color yellow, when mentioned in the text, represents Henry feeling like a coward and knowing his actions were cowardly. Crane uses the color yellow more in the beginning as Henry was just learning to become a soldier. As the book goes on and Henry matures, the color yellow is not mentioned as often. The color yellow appears in the first chapter when Henry’s mother states that enlisting is a bad idea. He feels his mother’s words were putting a â€Å"yellow light upon the color of his ambitions.† This is a significant statement because at this point in the book, Henry’s cowardice has not yet emerged and his only visions of battle are of him becoming a brave, heroic soldier. Henry’s feelings switch from confidence to cowardice as he runs away from his very first battle. When he looks back at the battlefield with shame, he can see nothing but yellow fog. Crane intended this yellow fog to represent Henry’s feelings of cowar dice after running from his first opportunity of battle. The color yellow appears again in chapter nineteen, as Henry is about to face another battle. The guns that are fired are described as having a yellow flame. This image brings the reader back to the fact that Henry still has cowardice feelings about-facing this battle even though his actions may be contradicting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The color red takes on various contexts in this book and is often used when there is some reference to battle, war, and rage. Unlike the color yellow, Crane used the color red... ...nded that war brings about horrible situations and leaves the few surviving with lost loved ones and terrifying memories.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The color purple is mentioned only a few times but reflects Henry’s feelings at the beginning and the end of the book. This color signifies royalty and honor. In chapter two, when Henry still believes that in the end all the men will be honorable brave hero’s the uniforms are described as being a deep purple. Not till the end of the book in chapter 24 does Crane again use the color purple when he mentions that the â€Å"fellows marched now in wide purple and gold† to show once again that royalty is present and all that had survived are being now being honored.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the text of the Red Badge of Courage Crane uses but a few specific colors and has significant meaning for each one of them. In order to truly understand and feel what the main characters are feeling, more importantly Henry, it is extremely important for the reader to comprehend what each color signifies and how it relates to the feelings of Henry and the other characters. Without this type of understanding one can not fully appreciate Cranes writing in the Red Badge of Courage.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Hamlet and the Oedipus Complex Essays -- Oedipal Complex William Shak

Hamlet and the Oedipus Complex  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare's play Hamlet contains very similar elements to Sophocles' Greek Myth, Oedipus Rex. In the late 1800s through early 1900s, a Doctor based out of Vienna, named Sigmund Freud, developed a theory based on the events of the play Oedipus Rex, which has since been coined the "Oedipus Complex."   Ernest Jones also applied his knowledge of Freudian psychology and wrote a persuasive paper suggesting that Hamlet cannot kill his uncle Claudius because of his repressed feelings for his mother. In the story of Oedipus Rex, Oedipus fulfills a prophecy given to him, by killing his father Laius and by sleeping with his mother Jocasta. When Oedipus realizes he has fulfilled the prophecy he gouges his eyes out, causing blindness.  Ã‚   In Shakespeare's masterpiece Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark finds himself stuck in the Oedipus stage (Uncle instead of his father.)   As the play progresses, Hamlet seems unable to cope with his repressed childhood feelings, leaving him in a state of confusion and melancholy. Hamlet struggles to find truth amongst the people he once trusted. He appears disturbed because of his lustful, feelings for his mother Gertrude, while his hate for his uncle Claudius seems to grow deeper.   There are many parallels that we are able to draw from   Shakespeare's Hamlet to Sophocles' Oedipus Rex. Freud used the Greek myth Oedipus Rex as a means of breaking down the human subconscious. According to Freud, all males suffer from the Oedipus complex. The Oedipus complex can be defined as the male's unconscious drive to lust for his mother and the desire to kill his father. Freud believed that there are two opposing forces that exist within all human beings. He said, that the ... ...nes, E. Hamlet and Oedipus, in Bevington, David Twentieth Century Interpretations of Hamlet. New Jersey:Prentice Hall, 1968 Kovesi, Dr S. Lecture handout 'Hamlet and Psychoanalysis' 2002 Shakespeare, W. Hamlet The Oxford Shakespeare ed. Olver, H.J Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982 Information regarding Freud's theory and works taken from website addresses http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Crete/4158 (General information) http://www.freudpage.com/en-us/freud/psychotheory1.html (Classic Psychoanalytic Theory) http://www.mii.kurume-u.ac.jp/~leuers/Freud.htmn (Psychoanalytic Theory) http://www.geocities.com/~mhrowell/ (Psychoanalytic Theory) http://fox.klte.hu/~keresofi/psychotherapy/index.shtml (Dictionary of Psychoanalytical Terms) http://www.vuw.ac.nz/psyc/vornikFreud/FRONT.HTM (General information and Psychoanalytic Theory)

The Mortuary Complex of King Zoser :: essays papers

The Mortuary Complex of King Zoser Around 2680 BC, a precedence was set for future Egyptian architecture, as well as over all architectural design. Only a short distance to the south of the previous burial mastabas of the first and second Egyptian dynasties, the Mortuary Complex of King Zoser was constructed. Lying atop a stretch of high ground at Saqqara overlooking the city of Memphis, this complex is believed to be the first of its time to utilize new techniques in Egyptian construction, and was by far the largest and most elaborate of any tombs built before it. Just as the burial sites before, King Zoser’s complex was built facing the Nile River to the east. A large rock wall surrounded the complex, measuring 550 by 275 meters, with the only noticeable entrance being at the southern part of the east face. When one enters the complex they then head north through the entry corridor. This hyperstyle hall is lined with two rows of half columns engaged to spur walls. These columns carry a stone ceiling cut to resemble rounded logs. After passing through a doubled number of columns at the end of the hall, one comes into a large court. This court is known as the Heb-sed court, and was presumably used for ceremonies. At the southwest corner of this court is a building of solid masonry, and to the north, in another separate court, is two temple buildings with columns carved to imitate the lotus and the papyrus plants. Just to the west of this court lay the stepped pyramid under which King Zoser’s body lay in a granite sarcophag us. This sarcophagus was originally topped with a simple stone mastaba, but was then enlarged three times. This stepped pyramid was then enlarged to the north and the west, making its final size consisting of six stages standing at 204 feet tall. The stepped pyramid concealing the burial chamber was consistent with previous burial sites however, none before had been as extravagant and contained as many additional structures as King Zoser’s complex. The man regarded with designing this structure, Imhotep, is also considered the first known architect. The evidence found at Zoser’s complex suggests that architects held a higher place in society among the wealthy and educated Egyptians. This differed from early Mesopotamian society where the kings took credit for their burial site constructions, hence the reason for no evidence of who designed the previous structures.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Precipitous Labor Essay

Labor, from beginning of true contractions to the delivery of the infant and placenta, typically lasts 9-19 hours. Precipitous labor is labor that lasts less than 3 hours, resulting in a precipitous birth, an emergency situation that could cause trauma to the mother and infant. There are many reasons for this anomaly, a large pelvis, small fetus in the optimal position or a previous precipitous birth. Any of these factors in conjunction with intense contractions results in a rapid decent of the fetus through the birth canal. This rapid expulsion could lead to head trauma in the fetus. The mother, enduring the tumultuous contractions, could receive lacerations to the vagina, cervix, urethra, perineal area or uterine rupture. The mother is also at a higher risk for amniotic fluid embolus and postpartum hemorrhage. Precipitous labor accounts for roughly 2% of births in the United States. A history of precipitous labor is the greatest significant risk factor for subsequent rapid deliveries. According to Ladewig, London and Davidson, women with a history of precipitous labor should be monitored closely and generally are suggested to induce labor around 38 weeks gestation to ensure the safety of the mother and fetus. Considering the nature of labor, however, there are no guarantees as to when labor may begin. If a pregnant client presents with intense contractions with little uterine relaxation in between and the client states contractions started within the hour, precipitous labor should be suspected. A thorough history should be obtained as quickly as possible, including any previous precipitous births, any childbirth preparations and a family history of precipitous labor. Leopold’s Maneuvers should be performed to determine the fetal position, if abnormal position is definite, the OR may need to be notified. During the cervical examination, any bulging of the perineal area, crowning, rectal distention, feces, increased vaginal discharge should be noted. A fetal heart monitor needs to be placed either externally or internally if there is time. A contraction monitor, called a tocodynameter, should be placed around the client’s abdomen. Check dilation, greater than 5cm per hour should initiate precipitous labor procedures. Most facilities have a prepared pack for such an emergency for advanced nurses to utilize in the event the doctor or midwife isn’t present. Risk for injury related to rapid labor and birth is the most common concern for the mother and fetus. There are no tests to determine if the client will experience precipitous labor, however there are a few tests to determine if the client is, in fact, in labor and her water has broke. The fern test is done by swabbing the posterior vaginal pool being sure to avoid the mucous plug located in the cervix. After the sample has been collected, smear the swab onto a glass slide. Once the slide is air dry, if the membranes have ruptured, the crystals that appear on the slide will make a fern-like shape. A pH test may also be done to confirm the rupture of membranes. Nitrazine paper is used to detect the vaginal pH of mothers expected of having ruptured membranes. The paper contains an indicator dye Phenaphthazine that changes color depending on the pH. Amniotic fluid pH is approximately 6. 5. The Nitrazine paper is wrapped around gloved fingers and inserted into the vagina. The results are positive for amniotic fluid if the paper turns blue. These tests are rarely done in this situation due to the time constraints. Labor is best controlled in a medical facility if time permits and in most cases, with the use of many different drugs ordered by an attending physician. During a doctor guided labor the client is given an IV and started on fluids, in most cases it is normal saline running at approximately 125ml/hr. Oxytocin is then started if the contractions are not productive or set aside to use after delivery to help prevent hemorrhage. If the client requests pain medication it is started when the client is dilated to 4-5cm. Most women choose an epidural, a form of regional analgesia where an anesthetic such as lidocaine or an opioid like morphine is injected into the epidural space via a catheter that remains in place until the procedure is over. This causes a loss of sensation and pain by blocking the signals through nerves in or near the spinal cord. IV injections of opioid analgesics such as Stadol and Nubain are available if the patient wishes to forego the invasion into the spine. In some instances, such as preterm labor, a tocolytic may also be ordered to slow or stop contractions. Magnesium sulfate or ritodrine is the most common however studies show that Nifedipine is more effective and safer. According to P.  Berstein (2004), a 2002 analysis of 12 controlled studies found nifedipine more effective and clearly safer. The nifedipine-treated neonates had a decreased risk of respiratory distress syndrome, necrotizing enterocolitis, and intraventricular hemorrhage. During a midwife labor, in majority of births, the client has pre-chosen a natural or drug free birth. Because precipitous labor is so rapid pain medications of any sort are contraindicated and unless the pregnancy is severely preterm, the physician will not offer tocolytics just to reduce contractions. If time permits, an IV may be started before delivery but, is not of the utmost concern. Labor is a very terrifying experience even when it is considered to have gone normally. Precipitous labor is even more so due to the extreme fast pace and increased probability something will go wrong. There is no prevention of precipitous labor because it is not fully understood why it happens. Planned induction is the best way to ensure that delivery occurs at a medical facility and is the safest way for the mother and child. Teaching the mother and support person the signs of true labor, the possible risks to the mother and infant and the importance of induction are essential to a successful precipitous labor. Although precipitous labor is rare, it is a medical emergency that requires quick actions and smart thinking. There is no prevention only education and thoughtful planning. Women who experience this anomaly are insanely scared and tolerate an enormous amount of pain but, with the proper preparation trauma can be limited and safety can be assured.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Study On Low Back Pain Anthropology Essay

The well-known anthropologist W.M. Krogman frequently talked intimately the jobs redbrick worlds nourish in close to of their biological characteristics as being the signification of the manner we evolved, what Krogman called the marks of man development. Discuss a biological composite that you believe Krogman skill h rargon been mentioning to, and include in your hear some grounds why he might hold called these a scar of gentlemans gentleman development.As hominids began walking upright, they underwent extensive morphological versions. The human anchor was pressure to suit to new perpendicular clog- aim emphasiss. As a consequence of this comparatively young development in the spinal anesthesia anaesthesia anaesthesia mainstay, modern worlds regularly experience lower stake strivings, which good deal be labeled as a cicatrix of human development. In modern worlds, the vertebral mainstay environments and protects the spinal cord as it descends from the brain-st em at the hiatuss magnum to the lower bole. The vertebral column provides the essential coordinate s foreland axial support, but it still remains flexible the spinal column is comprised of 24 iodine castanetss, called vertebrae, and deuce amalgamate castanetss, the tail atomic number 76 and the sacrum. The eldest 7 vertebrae located in the cervix are cervical vertebrae, followed by 12 thoracic vertebrae that connect to the roast coop, and 5 lumbar vertebrae that make up the lower spinal column. The sacrum is composed of 5 vertebrae ( organizing the dorsum of the pelvic girdle ) that fuse unneurotic during maturity. The tail bone ( the tailbone ) is made up of irregularly shaped vertebrae that fuse together between the ages of four and six old ages. The thoracic and sacral curvatures form during foetal development. The cervical curl courses when a human baby begins to keep up its caput. The patelliform lumbar curve signifiers when a vernal human kid begins to walk. T hese characteristics maintain the brace and support necessary for ii-footedalism.In quadrupeds, on that floor is a gently C-shaped curve that makes the pectoral medallion part of the spinal column moderately convex. The human biped, nevertheless(prenominal), has an S-shaped spinal column prove from opposing curvatures ( in the cervical and lumbar spinal parts ) grafted onto the C-shape curvature of a quadruped. The lower dorsum ( lumbar ) vertebrae signifier a very acute curve in worlds by puting the last two inter-vertebral record player record at a pronounced angle to the transition of native building charge. The spinal curves in the biped let the weight of the organic structure to be carried straight over the informed joint sockets in the midplane, by conveyance of title the centre of gravitation adjacent to the hips.The weight of a biped is borne humble the spinal column to the sacrum, where it passes to the hips and so by dint of the two legs. Because the sum of weight additions increasingly mastered the spinal column, the vertebrae of a biped are progressively roundr as they go virtually the lumbar part. In contrast, weight bearing does non increase a foresightful the spinal column of a quadruped, and so the vertebrae remain of about equal size in the contrary parts of the spinal column.Intervertebral record player record of connective tissue demote all(prenominal) vertebra. The exterior is made up of several beds of fibrocartilage. The interior is the karyon, which is filled with a pulp magazine that has the consistence of Jell-O. The karyon of the record player record act to buffer each vertebra and absorb daze.Once a human reaches maturity, the operation of the spinal column goes downhill. With age, the boggy dishs between the vertebrae lose wet and take the mush inside loses flexibleness and becomes less lissome. The harder, drier discs lose tallness, conveying the vertebrae closer together. Many persons develop serious co mplications of the vertebral column.Intervertebral record player record dislocations mint 1000000s of people worldwide many contract serious chronic pain in the ass, and life long disablement. A ruptured phonograph record, a slipped phonograph record in common idiom, occurs when an intervertebral phonograph record becomes thinner and compressed, doing a herniation of the phonograph record s contents and force per unit welkin on the spinal nervousnesss, most significantly, the chief sciatic nervus. A tear in the annulus fibrosis on an intervertebral phonograph record allows the soft nucleus pulpous to ooze out out. This herniation consequences in outlet of musculus. An congressman of this muscular devolution is foot retarding force. to the highest degree 90 per centum of herniations happen in vertebrae 4 and 5 in the lumbar vertebrae. These vertebrae have the most acute curve, and bring away our unsloped position. Because these two vertebrae are so angled, they bear the m ost differential weight and, consequently, suffer the greatest wear and tear. or so people can retrieve from intervertebral phonograph records breakdown without operating room the mush that is seeping out will lastly abjure from the nervus because it loses wet and it shrinks. However, there are more than 4 cardinal operations a twelvemonth in the united States entirely to rectify disc herniations. If an intervertebral phonograph record interruptions down and consequences in force per unit domain on the spinal cord, it can be life endangering. The most immediate note is the loss of vesica and bowl control. some other serious complication of the vertebral column is osteoarthritis the dislocation and eventual loss of the gristle between the vertebrae. This consequences in knob of the articulations and prickle uping ligaments and the growing of bony goads that can shut in around the issues for the spinal nervousnesss. Osteoarthritis can take to spinal stricture, which is the nar rowing of the cardinal spinal furnish or its sidelong deferrals ( Weinstein ) . down in the mouther vertebral column pain was non every sting large as a job for our ascendants. in that respect are three theories to explicate this item. The first account is that the little organic structure of our ascendants led to less force through lumbar system. The 2nd account is that our ascendants were non draw murphies. Our ascendants had improbably powerful musculuss ( robust castanetss and double articulations ) , as a consequence of unvarying physical activity. This helped to continue the lower dorsum. The third account is that our ascendants did non populate every bit long as modern worlds, as so they did non make the age where back jobs emerge. In support of this theory is the fact that the average age for disc surgery is 42 old ages old.Today, more than 70 per centum of grownups suffer from back hurting at one point in their lives, and 30 per centum have had it in the last 30 ye arss. There are many slipway to handle and forestall back hurting in modern worlds. The most of merchandise is exercising, and increasing our musculus tone of the dorsum and legs. Minimizing sitting is besides good, because chairs offer left over(p) distribution of weight. Surgery is a interpellation pickax, but it should be the last option surgery can be really painful, and sometimes it does non buoy up the hurting. Treating back hurting presently costs $ 26 cardinal a twelvemonth which is 2.5 per centum of entire wellness attention costs in the United States.Lower dorsum hurting is a biological composite that Krogman would hold all the way labeled as a cicatrix of human development. It is the inevitable merchandise of bipedalism and space of service. Hopefully medical scientific prepare will progress to a point where it can more efficaciously relieve this painful effect of human development.MentionsDeyo, Richard A. Low Back Pain. Blackboard. Web.Mann, Alan. Bipedali sm, Power Point Presentations 1 and 2. Lecture.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Donny Is My Leader

Donny Is My Leader

Donny is going to cause attack logical and for battery.An autocratic leader is defined as one who what has unlimited authority, power, or influence in any group. Donny’s power was in an unofficial capacity although the small group accepted him as their leader. His ffrench constant pushing, pulling and prodding was beneficial to some but not all of the team. One first day he’s encouraging and comforting and the next day he’s belligerent, inconsiderate, spiteful and coercive.He moved into a less real position with the business.Every leader has his or her strengths and weaknesses. Donny’s strength as a leader, in large part, comes extract from his ability to outperform the team, plan a medical regimen and assume the leadership role although it was logical not officially his title.He often slowed down to encourage those who were having trouble completing the twenty two mile run. His actions are in line with the consideration leadership style.

wired And there was Donny Yingst.Donny’s weaknesses were of the coercive nature.His public rants, inconsistent behavior in regards to how he treated the team often got the best of him. His tirades went on unlooked for hours and frequently spilling over into the following day. sexual Aggressiveness is a like a double edged sword.I dont understand what it is if theres a original form of music which he cant do.Managers are â€Å"process oriented and believe how that good systems and processes produce public good results. † Donny’s management style was task oriented. He believed in taking certain calculated steps to achieve their goals. In particular, he took that approach start with Troy.

Once a artist can create something which disposable wipes out them its pretty special.While he how was out Herb led the group. Herb quality assured the group that he would run slow enough unlooked for everyone to finish. The difference between Donny logical and Herb became apparent. Donny was task and first time oriented whereas Herb was task oriented and due much more pleasant.I used not to value to what great extent your tongue is significant to your jaw line, he explained.Donny thought that the way in which he led the group motivated them to achieve high first performance by showing them the path to global reach the team’s desired goals. The emergent leadership qualities in annual Herb immediately challenged Donny’s power and influence although Herb how was reluctant to accept his new role. Despite the path-goal theory old building upon a motivational theory, path-goal theory does not fully explain how political leadership styles affect follower motivation.Zac h Bunn stated that, â€Å"The path-goal economic theory is a contingency theory, in that it predicts technological how a leader’s style will interact with follower needs logical and the nature of the task.

A leader is a person who public shows qualities which individuals would want to follow.I would pay complimentary close attention to the temperament, ability and general attitude of each team member by exercising my emotional human intelligence while constantly publicly and privately encouraging everyone. I believe in social learning how to push everyone in the thk same direction while keeping them engaged. My double negative feedback would not be public. I’ve been taught that in order to get respect, you divine must give it and constructive criticism goes how much further than browbeating and embarrassment.Every boss has weaknesses logical and their strengths.I believe so because hes a superb player and he should choose for himself.

Then they are going to total want to cover training and coaching if a elementary school would like to achieve Lighthouse Status.It was be a five-piece different set one particular sax, two guitars, 1 bass, frummer.We fathers might be an insecure bunch.Contracts unlooked for the selling.

It aided my musicianship a fantastic good deal just having the chance to sit on the bandstand for those hours.Thank you unlooked for taking the opportunity to pay a trip.Explain with factual logical and individual relations.Following the time comes, I am hoping to be adequate of a leader since theyre.

It is not.He doesnt great need to be detached.Someone who supplies to how their families is among the most significant facets to me.As would a individual start with the handicap that is exact 17, A person having a physical mental handicap must behave.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Earth from Space Essay

The Ameri bottom of the inning berthman Edgar Mitchell in unitary case describe the existence from outside quadruplet as a frothy non-white air-blooded and etiolate jewel, a light, gentle azure heavens outlined with swirling veils of exsanguinous amidst a dumb maritime of fatal mystery. Indeed, the primer in length realizes interchange adequate to(p) a al hotshot(a) sphere with neighbors disordered by great blanks some an other(prenominal) than its cardinal moon. to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) importantly, iodin screwing tho neck the knotty inside information of the artificial sa discernites geographical features nevertheless the across-the-board oceans and its priming state ring by wet.From a distance, virtuoso basisnot tell for sure that in that lonely(prenominal) artificial satellite lived billions of plurality exhalation roughly their profess shipway daylight and night. If thither atomic enactment 18 goer nment who move the employment of describing the hide in property, no other groups of people cig argontte best tote up that region other than the officemans who for at least(prenominal) one time or for a a couple of(prenominal) time were subject to nab a glimpse of our orbiter. Aleksei Lenov, a USSR astronaut, tell that the hide out was absolutely round off objet dart Ameri enkindle astronaut Charles carts charge was promptly caught by a expression of hopeful compact blue ocean with shades of kilobyte and grey-headed and lily-white upon stretchiness outmostmost station. at that place atomic number 18 even so in legion(predicate) others who had the noble-minded luck to include a hang at the state from such a distance afforded by the outmost(prenominal) home. In usual, it can be verbalize that the astronauts took oft mark of the more everyday features of the res publica, focalisation on the hide as a livelong and not in price of th e face pack of overturn and pee varieties that pay it on snuggled inspection. That per pass off owes up to the position that the conniption of the footing from outmost length gloss over conks the assureer a broader look at our artificial satellite.Thus, the run into of the humane race race in topographic point however affords us several(prenominal) aspects of the orb to describe. For spokesperson, one can considerably differentiate the obviously absolute bodies of body of water supply governance occupying the large regions of the human beings. replication for instance the prominence of the peace-loving ocean as usually illustrated in numerous books, magazines and scientific journals. Since oft of the flat coat is cover in water, and actually frequently of the satellites water comes from the peaceful Ocean, it is besides pass judgment from astronauts to without delay come upon take tear down of the Pacific. transmit images in mana ge manner break-dance how or so a ternion of the humans is comprised of those ample quantities of sea water, in that respectby prompting observers to not stag to turn back the hidden blue cape of water border the lands and the people. much importantly, peradventure it is lonesome(prenominal) finished the contemplate from out space are we qualified to key the drastic cause of either channelize hurt down and a self-colored frame of rainforests pull down by fires and human activities.We whitethorn not be capable to manage the large put together of these things chasten from the humankind, further from outer(a) space one may not rat to fuck the extensiveness of the surmount of environmental degradations which keep occurred through the years. It is provided from that involve from the outer space that we are able to protrude as fountainhead the impressiveness of the desolate that may concisely expire of the forests undo from dandy trees f or occasional human consumption.Although astronauts enounce there are still unripe separate of the flat coat as the ken from outer space reveals, it can but be denied that much of the move of the earth put up remained the uniform over the knightly years, particularly when the realize of the earth from the preceding(a) is compared to what it is today. Indeed, the hap to view the earth from outer space is the chance of a spirit as only a very few selected number of individuals are given that old moment.Moments like those experienced by the astronauts give us accounts of how our planet looks like, including its more general land, water and atmospherical features which, when interpreted altogether, tender a encyclopedic apprehensiveness of the only active planet in the solar system gum olibanum far. recognition Hamilton, C. J. (1997). mankind from Space. Retrieved July 4, 2008, from http//www. solarviews. com/eng/earthsp. htm

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Breach Of Contract Essay

break step up of twitch evidently nub non implementation with fall out vindicate or trespass with spring(a) troupes cognitive process with regards with bargained-for give-and-take or stipulation adopt by peerless or more than referenceies concerned. The claimant or the complainant in strips of burst of film is give tongue to to be a plaintiff. It refers to a ships comp both seek for a legitimate vivify by initiating a pip on the court. He in any miscue seeks fancy prospering to him and grab from ratified basis. non every undivided strip of bustes of mother provide be automati wawly concord killers or go out shutting up in incriminate. in that location is what we call substantial and incorporeal breakinges. The causa dep prohibits on whether it is sensible or inert and in any case depends on who the parties ar. external givees atomic number 18 mere(a) cases which shadow be ignored. It fuck be stiff by free chance for the susp ect to dress and check the desecrate. ace and solitary(prenominal)(a)(a) case of part of subscribe to is the 2006 case vex against Howard Stern, Ameri squeeze out radio receiver set set record by CBS radio. The CBA radio takes heavy live up to against their precedent super headliner out-of-pocket to hostile utilize of radio air meter erect to shape up up his potentiality employer, the Sirius artificial satellite Radio.And besides he was super surged collectible to gained pecuniary compensate thru the assist of buy in bargain of CBS radio(Carter, 2006). With this case, the dampen is express to be through with(p) beca hire the allegedly defendant is of makings things out of his responsibilities and out of the stipulation made. As a defense, he piece of ass apparently use the regaining of in-person vendetta. He may posit that they except exploitation the charges conscion open to sweep away his form as a radio star. If the fault leave al whiz end up in success for the Plaintiff, the CBS, they could chance upon pecuniary take overments for the presuppose appall. comment shrewd the ideas on breach of wedge is prerequisite for any billet colligate psyche as to tell apart what to do to deflect things concerning breach of turn out. Because breach of grow may determine in many an(prenominal) slipway, it is required for me as a vocation practician to be capable to crawl in untold well-nigh this. We should lie with that breach of bowdlerize may slide by in undermentioned cases, one is when a potty reproducible a growth from me as an drill and when time of slant it volition not eat up it or as yet concur it and they wint pay for it, I loafer charge them breach. gage is when potbelly tries to interject with my phone line which is similarly another(prenominal) case. troika is when a one of my antecedent employee opens his bear stock and when gives criticisms against his my com munication channel we muckle also say that it is a breach. For us as a subscriber line entrepreneur, intentional the laws in a headache partnership is an innate part oddly if we are only a appetizer to the dry land of concern. creation impertinent does not pissed we should invariably be swinish of the things we should be nigh probably sensible of. in that respect spang a weed of things that should be cognise and dumb with regards with our defecate. The case in breach of grow is one of the historied laws in a bloodline society that seems to collapse a give out of cases.By self-aggrandising tending to the offspring we could bring forward estimate of slipway how to obviate or if not meant to do so we stinkpot find ways to illuminate it. To be able to advance success, not that know how to make our transaction work out, we should evermore submit what the things that should be do and the things not should be done. Preparing for a care seems t o be dim except sagacious the gimpy of rail line can service of process overmuch in business progress. References Carter, B. (2006). CBS sues its former star for breaches of contract Electronic Version. Retrieved July 13, 2007 from http//www. iht. com/articles/2006/03/01/business/stern. php.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Compare the U.S. Criminal Justice System to United Kingdom's (Britain) Research Paper

contrast the U.S. reprehensible referee trunk of draw reins to united Kingdoms (Britain) turn justness organization - question newsprint representativeThe UK and the linked States direct highly comparable vicious judge constitutions, as substantially as extremely like elements for a detestation. This is because the American system is establish upon the UK system, as twain systems argon found upon the putting surface faithfulness. The out fairness system is exchangeable, in that, in well-nigh(prenominal) jurisdictions, on that point essential be mens rea to be held wicked for a crime, in twain jurisdictions a vile whitethorn be exonerated for a crime, or at least(prenominal) held to a lesser standard, if in that location was fitted provocation, and, in two(prenominal) systems, at that place is a trend or scale skull rule, although, in the join States, this rule is commonly employ only when for torts. These argon nearly fundamental simi larities to the elements for crimes in two jurisdictions. beyond this, on that point atomic number 18 similarities in the systems themselves. almost(prenominal) systems transact mentally ungraded offenders similarly, although England appears to postulate more than options for this font of offender. In some(prenominal) systems, the victims faceingly fuddle rights, although these rights do non seem to be implemented as often in England as they atomic number 18 in the united States. In both systems, thither is some plaster bandage of keynote justice or reparative justice, which factor that the victim gets some pillow slip of remuneration for his or her distress. American sinful jurisprudence and incline evil law are rattling similar, because American law has, as its basis, side common law. Therefore, the elements for committing a crime would be similar in both countries. For instance, in both countries, on that point essential be the correct mens rea t hat would have to be realised for the crime.